Friday, January 6, 2012

Dependent and independent population

The population is divided into three groups that is 0-14, 15-59 and 60 years and above. The male and female who are within 15-59 years are called independent or active population. The age groups of 0-14, and over 60 years of are called dependent population. Density dependent factors are factors that depend of the population (density). Such as food, water, and space. Density Independent factors are factors that the population (density) depends on. Such as weather, natural disasters and random occurrences. A density independent factor affects the members of a population regardless of population density, whereas a Density dependent factor affects a population because of the density of the population. Examples of dependent population are as: food, disease, predation, competition and examples of Independent population are as: weather, droughts, floods, extreme temperatures, etc. Density dependent are as limiting factors that operate when population is large and crowded while density independent limiting factors operate independently of population numbers/density


  1. plz mention 5 differences between them also.

    it is useful to know for all and me too.

  2. plz mention 5 differences between them also.

    it is useful to know for all and me too.
